Thursday, February 26, 2009

For the record, I'm now a Buddhist, although my practice is laxer than it once was. After all that church-going as an adolescent, I discovered my fundamental belief in reincarnation and what I now know as karma are actually the philosophical foundation of a real religion. There are many of ways to be Buddhist, which part of its beauty; I once heard a Rinpoche, when asked what was the best practice, say that if you find enlightenment sweeping the street, then by all means, sweep the street. 

Ever seen those scary Tibetan demon masks? Their purpose is to protect you by terrifying your enemies. Here's one of my more alarming angels, Avatar, and he does that for me.


  1. "Keep your friends close, but keep your enemies closer"...who said that?

  2. I want to say Shakespeare - Richard the III?
