Monday, April 27, 2009

So after 3 1/2 years at the Soho gallery, I was fired when my boss read my personal gmail account and found emails between me and a gallery on Cape Cod that was thinking about eventually hiring me. I'd gone there regularly to visit friends and thought I'd like to end up there at some point. The Cape job had fallen through months before but I kept the emails just in case, so the whole episode was upsetting. It took a few weeks to pick up a brush, I was more focused on writing, and while I didn't like my first couple of attempts, I thought this was interesting.


  1. My thoughts exactly, but according the the NY Labor board, it's within his rights.

  2. The NY Labor board doesn't know Jack!

  3. Within his rights or not - there is an "understanding" between employers and employees that we don't disclose sensitive information and they don't step over personal boundaries.
