Sunday, March 22, 2009

Garuda Again, that's actually the title, this was done on a piece of wood I found in the street. While I was in PTSD therapy, I made quite a bit of artwork. Part of that therapy was every day I had to listen to a tape of the week before's session. Not the Hellos and Good Byes, but the meat of my 9/11 experience. She made me put it in chronological order, which it wasn't until then, it was all this scary jumble of  images, and through this process, I learned to manage them. Listening to the tapes over and over also poked a hole in the big fear bubble; eventually I had seven hours of these tapes and found listening to the entire collection while I was painting to be both enlightening as well as empowering. 

1 comment:

  1. Interesting pieces of art. I like the Anita Eckberg collage.
